What's Happening

Explore Puerto Rico's Economic Growth, Job Opportunities, Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Incentives, and Vibrant Lifestyle.


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Missed our webinar on the benefits and incentives in Puerto Rico?  You can now watch the recording to discover the exciting opportunities awaiting you on the island.

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Save your spot! Join our webinar and ask about incentives and opportunities available for you.

Puerto Rico Awaits Your Talent

Puerto Rico's economy is on the rise, attracting both expanding local companies and new businesses to the Island. This growth is generating a wealth of job opportunities across various industries.

Economic Indicators


An unprecedented increase in total employment over the last 5 years.


Increase in the labor participation rate over 5-year period.


Unemployment rate, the lowest in our history, with over 1.1M people employed.
Source: U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics

Are you ready to come back or looking for a job?
¡Hay Trabajo!

Explore exciting career opportunities and be part of Puerto Rico’s economic resurgence.

Check out these amazing resources:

El Comeback is a platform that connects professionals with job opportunities in Puerto Rico. Visit the site to explore job listings and join the database to stay updated on new opportunities.

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Visit site

Dedicated to connecting Puerto Rican professionals with both local and remote career opportunities, Mofongo Jobs offers a variety of roles across different industries.

Visit site

Join our LinkedIn job board group, where companies post job openings to support Puerto Rico’s economic growth. Your skills and passion are vital to Puerto Rico’s comeback story.

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Innovation and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Did you know Puerto Rico is becoming a top spot for entrepreneurs?

Our island is buzzing with opportunities and a vibrant ecosystem that supports startups and growing businesses with a network of incubators, accelerators, and collaborative workspaces.

23 coworking spaces, and 42+ accelerators & incubators around the Island.

Two persons discussing data and graphics

Puerto Rico’s non dilutive funding model provides the lowest cost of capital of any source.

Group of professional networking

Networking Opportunities.

Emerging Blockchain / Web 3.0 Hub.

23 coworking spaces and 42+ accelerators & incubators around the Island.
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23 coworking spaces, and 42+ accelerators & incubators around the Island.
Puerto Rico’s non dilutive funding model provides the lowest cost of capital of any source.
Networking Opportunities.
Emerging Blockchain / Web 3.0 Hub.
Explore Entrepreneurship

Incentives for Entrepreneurs

Puerto Rico is calling on entrepreneurs like you, especially those with roots from our beautiful island. Our tax incentives are lighting up the path, inviting pioneers, innovators, and dreamers back to their homeland.


fixed income tax rate on eligible income


tax exemption on capital gains*


exemption on property tax


exemption on municipal license tax

15 yrs

standard tax exemption grant period
(With potential to renegotiate
for an additional 15 years)
* From Securities and Digital Assets (Eligible Investments) and Capital gains and other investment income sourced to Puerto Rico not subject to federal income taxes.

Family & Lifestyle

Puerto Rico offers more than just business opportunities – it’s a place to build a life filled with sunshine, smiles, and unforgettable moments with your nearest and dearest.

Cost of Living

Puerto Rico offers competitive tax rates compared to major cities in the mainland.

Item San Juan, PR Atlanta, GA Miami, FL Boston, MA San Francisco, CA New York, NY
Salary $150,000.00 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 $150,000.00
Income Tax (Federal, State, Local) $37,635.00 $45,538.00 $37,551.00 $44,611.00 $48,777.00 $50,882.00
Sales Tax* $4,915.00 $2,559.00 $2,755.00 $2,305.00 $3,100.00 $3,079.00
Property Tax** $2,582.00 $4,850.00 $4,450.00 $3,450.00 $3,350.00 $9,625.00
Take Home Pay $104,868.00 $97,053.00 $105,244.00 $99,634.00 $94,773.00 $86,414.00
COLA*** 0.00% 2.00% 18.00% 34.00% 44.00% 57.00%
Adjusted Take Home Pay $104,868.00 $95,111.94 $86,300.08 $65,758.44 $53,072.88 $37,158.02
For illustrative and comparison purposes only and are not meant reflect real wages in each jurisdiction.
*Sales Tax is calculated using a 35% of take home pay based on national average expenditures on taxable goods and applying the local sales tax for each jurisdiction.  **Property Tax is based on the purchase of a $500,000 residence.  ***Forbes.com ADVISOR - Cost Of Living Calculator. The COLA metric used, considers cost of to maintain the standard of living in San Juan versus the selected US jurisdictions under select standardized inputs such as salary ($150,000) and  home value ($500,000).

Puerto Rico is Your Home.
Write Your Comeback Story.